arming the teachers

so the pro-gun crowd wants to arm teachers.  that'll stop those mass shootings in schools, right?  if that were to happen, i'd give it 6 months before a teacher would shoot and kill a kid (or kids).  whether claimed self-defense ('claimed' because of course we'd never know the true story; wouldn't that be a media cluster-fest?), accident (buffy is teaching gun safety and accidentally discharges a loaded weapon and blows off little suzy's face), or just another person who should not own a gun (mental illness or extreme duress turning into a gun rage), it won't matter because we'll be entrenched in our camps (pro-gun, anti-gun, somewhere-in-between) and using our religious god's name in vain to scream our opinion into the universe.

Then what?  arm the kids.  i mean, the logical next rung in this deathly spiral, huh?  arm the kids cuz they ain't taking away my motherfucking guns!  we.  are.  fucked.

never thought i'd end up homeschooling, but.....

but seriously, i wouldn't do homeschooling.  so i'd end up finding a private school that ensures no one is armed in the school, and pay out the ass IN ADDITION to raised school taxes because how the fuck are they gonna pay for arming the teachers and getting them certified and other bullshit training funded by dollars that should go to higher salaries and better classroom materials and technology and.......why the fuck do i bother.  motherfucking businesses (and their paid off politicians) are going to reap the benefits.  capitalism baby!

isn't it about to be the greatest time in a school janitor's life?  he'll get to clean toilets....packing.  armed and ready to kick ass.  i can't wait.