just get with the fucking program, will ya already?

sometimes you just need to get with the fucking program.  quit your whining and resisting and PRETENDING and jump on board.  be the guy/gal you need to be.  figure out what is causing you pain or grief and deal with it.  there may be many things; deal with them one at a time, you dumbass.  but deal with them or never bitch and whine again.  better yet, never bitch or whine again regardless.  don't do it.  deal with things, situations, people.  deal with it/them and move on.  and don't deceive.  yourself or others.  you KNOW what is wrong and what is right.  rationalize all you want, but you always know what's right and what's wrong.  what to do, what to not do.  what to say, what to think, etc.

just stop whining and deal with issues.  just stop rationalizing and quit doing stupid shit.  just get with the fucking program, will ya already?

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