religion vs capitalism

how in the world can a christian be a capitalist?  if you truly follow and adhere to the teachings of jesus christ, which defines a christian, you cannot be a capitalist.  capitalism's sole objective is to obtain as much material stuff as possible, for yourself, at the expense of anyone and anything else.  if i remember my catholic upbringing correctly, jesus taught us the exact opposite.  so how can you truly be both?  you can't as far as i'm concerned.  yet this enormous hypocrisy is somehow justified, rationalized and accepted, and is the norm, mostly without question.  this idea is at the heart of my misanthropy.

typical christians don't define themselves as i did above (following and adhering to christ's teachings), they like to make it about belief and jesus dying for our sins, etc.  To be a christian you must only believe (or say that you believe) that jesus christ was the son of god and died for our sins opening the gates of heaven to all who believe.

as opposed to me, who believes that we should follow christ's actual teachings because they are a pretty good way for us all to be good people.  who gives a crap if he was divine or just a dude, or if he really even existed.  the basic lessons in the new testament should guide us as human beings existing together, regardless of whether it was written by a omni-being who controls us all or some guys on psychedelics with a flair for drama.

yet the messages coming from the new testament seem to be lost on all these "good" christians.  they focus almost entirely on 2 things: my strain of mythology is better than yours and you're evil because you believe differently, and passing laws to benefit them and punish anyone not like them.

organized religion is a cancer.  but might capitalism also be?  is maximizing personal profit at the expense of other people and our planet a very good system?  how much resources, human life and time is wasted or meaningless?  a topic i will explore later, along with more on this religion thing, in subsequent posts.

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