what is virus with shoes anyway?

the great bill hicks inspired the title of the blog.  he once said of humanity, "We're a virus with shoes."  the blog is not about bill, though he will likely be quoted and referred to quite often.  because i think he got it.  or at least he was in a similar place as i am now, and he obviously used stand up comedy as his way of dealing with it.  we'll get to where "i am now" later, but the point is that bill hicks was funny as hell, but also was a great thinker.  great comedians (and -iennes) are great observers, turning the observations into routines or gags or stories.  but bill was a deep thinker and had an amazing way of talking things through, intelligently, in the guise of a stand up routine.  a fucking hilarious stand up routine.

also, the blog should not be confused as having anything to do with viruses or shoes.  all things viral suck: biological infectious agents, malicious computer worms, honey boo boo, any meme/phenomenon/video prefaced with "viral".  and shoes should be functional, end of story.  hunting?  wellington work boots.  business office?  simple black loafers.  fishing?  vans.  everything else?  cheap slides.  oh, and a couple pair of cowboy boots for taking my lady cajun dancing.

so what's the damn blog about then?  well, i don't necessarily agree that the whole of humanity is a walking virus.  but i also certainly don't think we're all that great.  schopenhauer seems to express best how i feel lately:

"Almost all of our sorrows spring out of our relations with other people."
- Arthur Schopenhauer

"The wise have always said the same things, and fools, who are the majority have always done just the opposite."
- Arthur Schopenhauer

other people are stupid and cause grief.  that is sadly pessimistic.  and possibly misanthropic.  i need to explore this more, which i'll do here.  and post other inane stuff along the way to keep us all sane.

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